February 18, 2021 Open the information of IDYF 2020
We updated the program of IDYF 2020. For more details, please access to PROGRAM and APPLY pages.
You are to find your solutions to latest issues on international development with youth around the world in Tokyo for one week. During the forum, you will visit some authoritative organizations to exchange opinions with experts. These opportunities will make stimulate discussions in your team. On the final day, each team will give a presentation and get feedbacks from experts about solutions. You will not only discuss but also enjoy our "cultural party" at night where you can understand participants' mother countries etc... IDYF will become your unforgettable memory!
Incredible Diversity
People from different walks of life participate in IDYF every year. We have had people of diverse occupations taking part in our program such as university students, doctors, United Nation workers, technicians, journalists and even high school students! For example in IDYF2015, there were 4500 applicants from approximately 162 developed or developing countries around the globe, and 44 successful youth from 34 countries participated. In the following year, we had 7 participants from Pekalongan region, Indonesia, where the case study of the year (2016) took place, and 35 other participants from about 27 countries who were chosen participated. IDYF appreciates its participants's great diversity. IDYF believes that Youngsters who play various roles in different fields are able to work together and discuss the issues in international development.
An International Forum of Youth, by Youth, for Youth
Another unique part of IDYF is that it is an international forum of youth, by youth, for youth. This is the best environment for the young participants to think of new and original ideas. Also, not only the results of the forum, but also the process itself contains values and experiences that participants can take home.
Discussion based on Rich Information from the Field
Even though IDYF is an international forum for the next generation, we do not believe that it should end there at the end of one week’s forum by thinking about the ideal future of our society. When we face the reality, it is when we see the future. Therefore, at IDYF2019, we will spend greater time for interviews and feedback from professionals of the development field and encourage discussions with more details, statistics and information.
Support from Experts
Every year at IDYF, we have professionals from the international development field to give us lectures, and feedback. They also are the judges for the final presentation. Thanks to these kind supports, participants will be able to learn the forefronts and think deeply about international developments.
If you have any questions, please contact our secretariats: idyf.inquiry@gmail.com
Website: https://idy-ttokyo-forum.jimdofree.com/
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/idyforum/
We are looking forward to receiving applications from all around the world!
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