We will hold a one-day forum online this March as IDYF2020. In this forum-Be a designer of “New Normal” after COVID-19, the two former participants from IDYF will hold sessions about role and responsibility of youth for creating new society after the worldwide pandemic. Participation is for free and online. You can find application process here. We are looking forward to your applications!
■Speaker information
Saswat Karki | Human Resources- Youth Banker/Recipient of Asian Youth Inspiration Award/US Embassy Youth Council 17-18/ Youth Activist.
"Conferences can be useful venues to solidify one’s current professional relationships. After all, good networking not only means creating new connections. It also means maintaining and strengthening existing ones. But one need not spend all of the time with people he/she already knows. That defeats the purpose of going to the conference in the first place. Having existing dinner or lunch plans can be handy. Say to your colleague that I need to meet new people tonight, but tomorrow I’m going to a session that I think we’ll both find interesting. I’ve all that willingness to collaborate, work and make things happen. As a dreamer and achievement oriented individual, I have never stopped to believe on my strengths and core competencies. I am moving and learning."
Nguyen En | Various experience in development fields including social enterprises, NGOs and local NGOs, NPOs and ODA-funded projects / Current Project Manager of Campaign “Growing Strawberry from Zero” which fosters the vegetable and plant growing practice of citizen in Hanoi, and Vice-Coordinator at YESD Social Enterprise which works to increase employment in the tourism sector for underprivileged indigenous youth of Vietnam.
"I have a background in economics and international business with over 6 years of professional experience in the field where most recent 3 years of which is spent at national development projects and a bunch of environmental campaigns as a young mother and young professional. This not only motivated me but also qualified me to continue learning at my very interdisciplinary Master Program about Climate Change and Development with research interests in community-based solutions for adaption and mitigation for Climate Change, environmental audits, and technological innovations for the field. In 2019 IDYF, as a participant, I was very fulfilled by the opportunities to having dialogues and proactive interactions with such a pool of diverse international youths, get valuable feedbacks from experts from JICA and renowned consulting firms in development field in Japan, which become precious belongings of my whole professional career. For this year IDYF, as a member of the Secretariat, I am still unchanged thrilled to the opportunity to put my skills and knowledge to good use while learning and supporting the new participants who I am sure, would share the same impression about this luminous and vibrant platform like me and my peers."
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